如果你是漢堡王(Burger King)Twitter 或是 Facebook 的追隨者,你會很吃驚這家百年老店即將更名成為薯條王(Fries King),新的 Logo 大大打在官方的社群上。
不過別擔心,這只是漢堡王的行銷手法,為了宣傳他的全新產品 Satisfries──一種低脂、低熱量但又不失去口感的薯條,而且即將在洛杉磯、芝加哥和邁阿密以「薯條王」營運一段時間。
當然這樣獨特的行銷手法確實造成社群網站上一陣不小的騷動,電視廣告上也有對新產品的大量宣傳,但並不是所有的PR都認同這種作法。 Adweek 表示:「這樣的手法依然有許缺點(downside),對於『漢堡王』本身,像是很容易使消費者感到疑惑。」也有人認為,會給大眾帶來一種或許漢堡沒有那麼好的暗示。
Burger King is staking a lot on fries these days, now extending to a social media campaign in which the chain pretended to change its name—to Fries King.
The brand put photos on Facebook showing the unveiling of a seemingly new corporate identity, with signs on a BK outlet and that sort of thing. Its website shows a redone company logo with an upright pouch of its new Satisfries replacing the familiar stylized hamburger and the words "Fries King" in place of "Burger King."
The chain told social media followers in a tweet that it isn't "bluffing." And it has said that, in fact, that restaurants in LA, Chicago and Miami will operate under the Fries King name—for a limited time.
So what has all this accomplished? Well, some buzz in social media, where Twitter users are weighing in under #friesking. And certainly more rapt attention by TV watchers to the new ad spots Burger King has been running for Satisfries, which purportedly use a new production method to cut fat and calories without resulting in a sub-standard taste. The chain also recently introduced a burger literally topped with fries.
But not all PR stunts succeed just as a matter of getting attention. Adweek, for example, suggests that there "are a few downsides" to the Fries King initiative, including that it "confuses people."
And, the publication wondered, "It implies the burgers are probably not very good."
轉發自: Bpaper品牌好報